Tips to Choose The Right GPS Tracking For Commercial Vehicles

9 Tips to Choose The Right GPS Tracking For Commercial Vehicles

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By James Johnson

The functioning of many businesses has gone through significant changes due to technological advancements, and commercial vehicle operation is no exception. You should never miss the opportunity to take advantage of using  GPS tracking for commercial vehicles can increase your efficiency in cost and operations.

In today’s world, information is power. The GPS-based tools and techniques empower you with real-time access to information and help you manage your fleet of vehicles or other assets. GPS fleet tracking can be the virtual guide for monitoring your operations anywhere. This solution ensures that your vehicles operate efficiently and that drivers are safe and responsible.

In this article, we have collated all relevant information on GPS-based solutions and their remarkable features. The objective is to guide you in identifying the best tracking system that perfectly suits your business needs for commercial vehicle operations.   

Effectiveness of GPS Tracking System

GPS fleet tracking is an effective solution for transportation-related industries to monitor company vehicles, equipment, and drivers. These systems allow managers to know the status of their merchandise while providing real-time data about fleets and driver performance. 

This information helps you reduce fuel costs, manage vehicle maintenance, monitor your mobile workforce, and maintain driver safety and compliance. The crucial benefits of GPS systems that can positively impact the business are as follows:

Fuel Management

GPS tracking solutions allow you to utilize routing and mapping capabilities to optimize dispatch routes that ensure the shortest travel time, leading to fuel cost savings. You can analyze information to control inefficient driving behavior or address maintenance needs to improve fuel efficiency

Improve Driving Performance

The tracking facilities allow managers to monitor driving performance and control risky driving behavior. It improves driver accountability to follow appropriate safety norms and improve driving patterns. 

Enhance Safety And Reduce Risks

The software lets you set up customized alerts to prioritizing driver and vehicle safety. A GPS tracker in the vehicle reduces the chances of theft as one can easily track and recover it. 

Better Customer service

GPS tools’ features eventually help improve operational efficiency and improve customer service. The system guides you to optimize the routes that save time by avoiding traffic congestion and disruptions and reaching the destination on time.

How to Choose the Right GPS Tracking for Commercial Vehicles?

GPS tracking systems enable you to track all your commercial vehicles in real-time, resulting in optimal utilization of resources and improved efficiency. The appropriate solutions will give insights into your fleet movements, performance, and driving behavior. 

When selecting tracking devices, you must be clear about what you need in a fleet tracker. But with a wide range of available options and multiple features, how can you choose the best device to fulfill your fleet management needs? Here is a list of key parameters to consider while selecting the right GPS tracking system for your business. 

Real-time Monitoring or Periodic Updates

The primary feature of GPS technology is that it lets you know the location and movements of a vehicle through real-time location tracking. The device will allow you to keep track of the fleet and receive alerts about critical events involving a vehicle or driver. Periodic trackers let you set the frequency or interval for updating the location data. It will send updates about your trucks at specified intervals, for example, once a day. 

Nature of Monitoring

Your selection for GPS fleet trackers depends on what you want to track with your device. Some trackers are suitable for trailers, while others serve the purposes of light-duty and medium-duty vehicles. Some systems have basic features, and some provide advanced features. You need to customize your requirements before choosing the tracking system for your commercial vehicles.

Reports and Analytics

You may look for a GPS tracking solution that uses analytical tools to process data and generate reports, that are crucial for making informed and proactive decisions. Such records and data are also necessary for safety compliance and regulations.

Power Backup

You can choose from battery-powered, hardwired, or hybrid fleet trackers based on your requirements. These devices provide various advantages and are suitable for different applications. The features of these systems are as follows: 


It connects straight to the vehicle’s power system and does not require batteries. 


It works with in-built battery support. You can save battery life by adjusting the frequency of updates. 


 It primarily relies on a hardwired connection but also has a battery backup. It can function even when not connected to any power system.  

Warranty and Customer Support 

It is also necessary to compare the warranty period of different devices because it indicates the product quality. An assured and real-time customer support service is also a deciding factor. You may want to select the system from a service provider offering 24/7 technical support and being approachable through multiple communication methods. 

Integration and Compatibility

It is also crucial to ensure that the GPS tracking system is compatible and easily integrates with your existing fleet management system. Choose software that is flexible and scalable to meet your business needs.

Key Features 

The right tracker should offer the features you need for successful tracking. Some of the important factors that you must look for are as follows: 

Driver safety: You must look at how efficiently the system provides information to ensure the safety of drivers. A tracker with safety features will help you monitor whether the drivers follow traffic laws, engage in safe driving behaviors, and stay compliant with safety norms. 

Alert system: If you want to stay constantly updated about the status of your fleet, an alert system is a vital feature. The tracker will send relevant information via text notifications when it detects particular criteria, such as the driver is over-speeding or deviating from scheduled routes. Diagnostic alerts help you proactively take corrective measures to resolve maintenance issues and avoid costly repairs.

Communication: Multiple communication support is another essential feature most relevant for commercial truck operations. It allows drivers to contact the authority in emergencies with precise location details. You can use this feature to communicate with drivers keeping them safe by sending out immediate assistance. 

Accessibility:  You may want access to the information from anywhere through a mobile app, so check if the software and tracker provide a fast, simple, and user-friendly remote access option. 

Matrack GPS Tracking System

GPS Vehicle Tracker | GPS Vehicle Tracking System - Matrack Inc.

Matrack gps trackers  provides a reliable and efficient GPS-based tracking system, generally used to track different types of commercial vehicles, shipping containers, heavy equipment, and consignments. 

It organizes data in the form of reports that enable you to make informed decisions. It has one of the best tracking and alerting features to provide you with real-time updates about the status of your assets. 

This system allows you to monitor vehicle conditions through the diagnostics data. It offers crucial features that make you aware of any unauthorized movement of your trucks or unsafe and wasteful driving practices. The Matrack system utilizes GPS technology to keep your fleet operations safe, efficient, and cost-effective.  


This GPS technology solution provides clear visibility and insights into several aspects of vehicle operations. You can make informed decisions toward improving efficiency, better asset utilization, avoiding delays, and providing savings that can add to profitability.

In this article, we have touched on all the key aspects of GPS tracking that suit the best for commercial vehicle business. A real-time tracking solution and controlling fleet movements can bring benefits in terms of safety, cost, and reliability.

We hope this article makes you better informed and equipped to select the proper GPS tracking for your commercial vehicle operations. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is GPS tracking important for commercial vehicles?

A: GPS tracking is important for commercial vehicles for several reasons. It allows fleet managers to optimize routes and reduce fuel costs, monitor driver behavior and safety, and ensure compliance with federal regulations such as Hours of Service (HOS) requirements.

2. What are some factors to consider when choosing a GPS tracking system for commercial vehicles?

A: Some factors to consider when choosing a GPS tracking system include cost, reliability, ease of use, level of data accuracy, ability to integrate with other fleet management tools and availability of customer support.

3. What are some common features of GPS tracking systems for commercial vehicles?

A: Common features of GPS tracking systems include real-time vehicle tracking, alerts for unsafe driving behavior or vehicle maintenance issues, route optimization tools, and detailed reporting on vehicle performance and driver behavior.

4. How can GPS tracking improve fleet efficiency?

A: GPS tracking can improve fleet efficiency by providing real-time data on vehicle location and performance, allowing fleet managers to optimize routes and reduce fuel costs. Additionally, GPS tracking can help identify areas where driver training may be needed, leading to safer and more efficient driving.

Editor at YourBestFleet | + posts

James Johnson is a former truck driver who now works as a writer, specializing in the trucking industry. With over 15 years of experience on the road, James has a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities faced by truck drivers and the trucking industry as a whole. His writing focuses on issues such as safety, regulation, and the latest industry trends. His work has been featured in several trucking publications and he has received recognition for his contributions to the industry. In his free time, James still enjoys being around trucks and often attends truck shows and other industry events.

Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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